4 types of eTenders

10. 06. 2020

on-line webinar

Pozor: Táto akcia sa už uskutočnila 10. 06 . 2020!

O akcii

Most companies use well-known and standard competitive bidding methods to pick suppliers. The question is, when and how to use the right type of eTender especially in time of economics crisis and what are the impacts of relationship with suppliers. So, what is the solution?

Moderated discussion webinar on how to save costs in times of crisis, how and when to use the right type of eTender. Views and comments from Hungary and Austria by Ms. Henriett Gömbicz of the Budapest based company ELMU and Ms. Roxana Molnar from central procurement of Mondi group in Vienna.



start 14:00, length 90 min

  • eRFx – when you need quick answers, benchmarking or any othe usefull information from suppliers
  • ERMMA – when you have good position for competition of suppliers in english reverse multiitem and multicriteria eAuction
  • NIPPON – specific situation, when you are faced with limited number of suppliers to negotiate about final prices or can it be a standard negotiation tool?
  • HOLLAND – recent innovation on how to rip suppliers out of a stereotypical negotiating routine


Henriett Gömbicz

She has been working as a buyer at ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ Group’s Non-Core Commodity Team since 2017 in Budapest. Currently responsible for IT and Telecommunication purchasing categories. Henriett is highly interested in digital procurement solutions and always happy to participate in local digitization projects. In recent years she has been involved in implementing and testing several procurement softwares, which is an exciting and challenging task for her.

Roxana Molnar

In her role she has the ownership as expert of the electronic sourcing platforms in Mondi and supports the Procurement organization adopting eSourcing in the digital journey.

Tomáš Trenkler

Prostredie strojární, kde pracoval deväť rokov a kde tiež začal využívať eAukcie pri výberových konaniach, vymenil v roku 2006 za úlohu jedného z hlavných veľvyslancov projektu PROEBIZ. Jeho renomé šíri Tomáš Trenkler dlhodobo na Slovensku a od začiatku roku 2015 hlavne v zahraničí.

Cenník a kontakt

This online webinar is free of charge. Please fill in the registration only.

Daniela Vyvialová
gsm: +420 702 260 584
e-mail: vyvialova@proebiz.com

NAR marketing s.r.o.
Masarykovo náměstí 52/33,
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava,
702 00, Česká republika