Digital transformation GEP and Asahi

17. 08. 2021


Uwaga: To wydarzenie już się odbyło 17. 08 . 2021!

O wydarzeniu

Ivana Ondruchova's guests, Tomas Veit (ASAHI) and Franck Capron (GEP), will discuss digitization in one of the largest source-to-pay systems.

How can you use smart features to easily handle spend analysis, savings tracking, contract management, vendor management or order processing for payment? In addition, GEP representatives will be part of the upcoming semester-long Digital Procurement Team course. Come and get inspired.


Start: 13:00
lenght: 30 min

Moderated by: Ivana Ondruchová, guests: Tomáš Veit (ASAHI) and Franck Capron (GEP)


Tomáš Veit

Tom kieruje zespołem zakupów w grupie browarniczej Asahi. Jego celem jest trwały wkład w rozwój strategiczny Asahi Europe & International z punktu widzenia oszczędności, innowacji, risk managementu czy równowagi środowiskowej, dzięki zaawansowanemu category management, bliskiego związku z dostawcami czy wewnętrznymi klientami.

Franck Capron

As a Director at GEP – A Global Leader in End-To-End Procurement and Supply Chain solutions and Transformation – Franck is responsible for implementing and delivering large scale Source-To-Pay (S2P) procurement programs where Digital Transformation is a core principle. He leads the GEP Prague Consulting services and comes with 15y of experience in Supply Chain, Procurement and Digital skills across a variety of different clients and industries.

Ivana Ondruchová

She worked for four years within the PROEBIZ project as an expert lecturer and administrator specializing in eAuctions in the corporate and public sector, where she helped PROEBIZ's Czech and foreign clients with the most complex e-auction cases. Currently, she is a dramaturge at PROCUREMENT BOARD TV, where she also acts as a presenter of programs for the professional procurement community.

Cennik i kontakt

The entry is free of charge

Barbora Halfarová
Tel.: +420 597 587 106
GSM: +420 601 168 896

Masarykovo náměstí 33
702 00, Ostrava
Czech republic