Nákup a autorství

30. 9. 2021.


Pažnja: ovaj događaj se je završio 30. 09 . 2021!


Půlhodinka s Janou Sedlákovou o firemním nákupu a veřejných zakázkách s přihlédnutím na možné dopady a projekce autorského zákona.


Začátek: 10:00
časový rámec akce: 30 min

Moderuje: Jana Sedláková


Jana Sedláková

Jana is the founder of the law firm SEDLAKOVA LEGAL and has been working with IT law for many years. Thanks to her work for innovative technology companies, her knowledge in the field is constantly shifting and keeping pace with the rapidly changing world of IT. Under her leadership, SEDLAKOVA LEGAL received awards as a recommended law firm in the IT law and intellectual property rights categories at the Law Firm of the Year Awards in both 2018 and 2019. Furthermore, she was innovative lawyer of the year in 2017. She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in Brno. She is also the founder of Ochrana nápadu (Protection of the Idea), a company providing fully-fledged legal assistance to start-ups, Taxcounting, which provides tax advice, and the non-profit project Právo v roušce (Law under the Mask).

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