15. 06. 2021


Note: This event took place on 15. 06 . 2021!

Event Information

Zdeněk „Beatle“ Pytlíček pracuje desítky let v nákupu, automatizuje nákupní procesy a je vyhledávaným odborníkem na úspěšné a rychlé zavádění katalogů do nákupních procesů. Byl jedním z prvních, kdo na nákupních konferencích a workshopech upozorňoval na automatizační potenciál vnitro firemních katalogů – eShopů.


Začátek: 10:00
časový rámec akce: 60 min

Moderuje: Milan Kaplan + host: Zdeněk Pytlíček, GasNet


Zdeněk Pytlíček

It may come as a bit of a surprise that the domain of Zdeněk Pytlíček, who has worked his way up from buyer to strategist, is all procurement activities that do not involve "buying". At GasNet, he is currently focusing on digitization, automation and robotization of procurement processes, implementation, and development of procurement systems, reporting and analysis, and procurement legislation. Example? In 2017, the first robotic procurement process was launched and now more than 92% of procurement transactions are carried out by machines, without the intervention of buyers.

Milan Kaplan

Marketing specialist, consultant and head of the PROEBIZ project, Milan Kaplan has frequently shared his experience at conferences in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. In the 1990s he founded NAR which specialized in marketing for industrial concerns. Subsequently, he began to develop and put into practice eBusiness technologies, such as using eAuctions for supplier selection and the digitisation of the procurement process. The PROEBIZ project is now the most widespread eAuction platform and a source of know-how throughout Central Europe.

Fees and contact information

Událost je bezplatná - vyplňte, prosím, jenom registraci.

Barbora Halfarová
E-mail: halfarova@proebiz.com
Tel.: +420 597 587 106
GSM: +420 601 168 896

Masarykovo náměstí 33
702 00, Ostrava
Česká republika