National eForum – Digitalisation of the Procurement Process

30. 05. 2019


Technopol Congress Centre, Kutlíkova 17, Bratislava

Note: This event took place on 30. 05 . 2019!

Event Information

This is a meeting of corporate procurement specialists on issues surrounding the digitalisation of processes for evaluating tenders and awarding contracts in the corporate sector.


Moderujú: Jiří Špalek a Jan Jedlička

8:30 registration

9:00 workshop commences

Current trends in digitalisation

Annual summary of the most important events, changes and points of interest in corporate procurement / Trends, numbers, statistics / How have eAuctions moved on? / New Procurement / Demonstrations of inspirational examples from practice

Jiří Špalek, PROEBIZ

System for procurement team requirements

WORKFLOW as an aid to procurement teams / Managing procurement requirements/ Electronic requisitions / Advantages and disadvantages when enforcing this innovation / Internal clients and their positions / Statistics and reports as a tool to support management decisions / Painful places and challenges

Martin Očkáš, Peter Lipták, Svet zdravia, a.s.


Benefits of procurement catalogues / Initial fears versus reality / Costs / External versus internal catalogues / Suitable and unsuitable commodities / Contents, updating and refreshing catalogues / Changes in purchasing behaviour of internal customers

Zdeněk Pytlíček; Innogy Czech Republic

Challenges for Procurement 4.0 and big data in procurement

Automation of the procurement process / New challenges / New opportunities / New risks / Technology versus people / How can we enjoy the age of the robots? / Applications to business intelligence for big procurement data / New opportunities for procurement managers and buyers

Mário Biňas, BM Group

When prices are rising


Róbert Obmaščík

Róbert Obmaščík, who has held a number of managerial positions during his varied professional career, will offer us an insider look into the procurement processes of large concerns. He has been working as Category Manager in the European Purchasing Department of Eaton since 2018. Previously, he had been in international procurement management at Lenovo or Pall International, and was also Purchasing Director at Tatra in Kopřivnice and European Purchasing Coordinator at Molex.

Martin Očkáš

Determining strategy and leading procurement teams have long been the main concerns of Martin Očkáš, who currently works as Head of Procurement at the Slovak company Svet zdravia. He specializes in the purchase of medical devices, materials and pharmaceuticals, and is primarily responsible for Eastern Europe. In the past he gained valuable experience in a different sector, working for ten years as a strategic buyer at Tatra Bank.

Mário Biňas

Říká o sobě, že je hráč, který velmi rád vypráví. Také proto Mário Biňas přednáší na téma e-Procurementu, kterému se věnuje od roku 2013, kdy způsobil doslova revoluci v elektronickém nákupu ve společnosti BILLA Slovensko. Vytvořil vzor, který umožnil provádět online aukce a tendry pro všechna firemní oddělení a který se prosadil v celé nadnárodní skupině. Dříve pracoval pro firmy GFK, Centire a Slovnaft, kde se zabýval analytikou a controllingem. V současnosti působí ve společnosti Slovak Hygienic Paper Group, kde se věnuje správě kategorií a projektům nákupu CAPEX / OPEX, globálním nákupním projektům, nákup a implementaci BI nástrojů, transformaci a optimalizaci procesu získávání zdrojů nebo pokročilou analýzu dat.

Zdeněk Pytlíček

It may come as a bit of a surprise that the domain of Zdeněk Pytlíček, who has worked his way up from buyer to strategist, is all procurement activities that do not involve "buying". At GasNet, he is currently focusing on digitization, automation and robotization of procurement processes, implementation, and development of procurement systems, reporting and analysis, and procurement legislation. Example? In 2017, the first robotic procurement process was launched and now more than 92% of procurement transactions are carried out by machines, without the intervention of buyers.

Jiří Špalek

Dlouholetý manažer projektu PROEBIZ. Konzultant a inovátor v oblasti digitalizace nákupu a nákupních systémů s více než dvacetiletou praxí v oboru. Usiluje o šíření elektronizace do nákupních procesů nejen v privátním, ale i veřejném sektoru. V současnosti působí na pozici výkonného ředitele skupiny PROEBIZ.

Martin Wiederman

As an experienced matador in management and procurement at Magneton Kroměříž, ŽDB Viadrus, Vítkovice and Legios, Martin Wiederman claims that the reality of buying is sometimes absurd. He says, for example, you can quietly judge who’s been doing most for their business over the years. He counts process management, operational management and the procurement process among his life-long hobbies, so it's no wonder he likes to share his knowledge through both publishing and lecturing.

Fees and contact information

Participation fee:
€110 + 20 % VAT,
active users of PROEBIZ and JOSEPHINE €90 + 20 % VAT

Bank: ČSOB Žilina, a.s.
Account number: 4004469226/7500
IBAN: SK5775000000004004469226
Payment: bank transfer
Variable symbol: your ID number
Specific symbol: 20190530

Juraj Kviatkovský
Tel.: +421 232 222 260
Mob.: +421 905 670 084

NAR marketing s.r.o.
(branch of a foreign entity)
Šulekova 2,
811 06, Slovak Republic