Chci, ale není

21. 09. 2022


Note: This event took place on 21. 09 . 2022!

Event Information

Prevence nákupu v době nedostatku surovin.


Moderuje: : Martin Zelinka, Ondrej Jombík, Jan Hirsch Start: 14:00


Ondrej Jombík

Ondrej řídí úsek logistiky energetické společnosti ZSE a.s., takže zná spolehlivě všechny cesty směřující od dodavatelů na správné místo ve firmě. Zodpovědně a kreativně vede strategický nákup, operativní nákup a skladovou službu s dopravou. Díky své specializaci je v koncernu E.ON členem „Corporate supply Chain“ a „Grid BAP“. Prosazuje maximální elektronizaci, transparentnost celého nákupního procesu a tvorbu kvalifikačních systémů pro dodavatele.

Martin Zelinka

From his position as Head of Global Commodity Management at the multinational concern Siemens Energy, he oversees the strategic development and implementation of sourcing processes. His responsibilities include production plants for industrial steam turbines, industrial generators and gas engines worldwide. He is a respected expert in the field of centralized procurement and project management in the implementation of new procurement tools and procedures. He has also utilised his experience in other procurement teams, such as the RWE energy group.

Jan Hirsch

Jan has been building experience in international procurement and logistics since 1995. He has led procurement teams in both small and large companies, such as Unipetrol, KUKA and BLANCO. He has dealt with a variety of projects in process management, mapping and analysis, process improvement, transfer of experience, teaching, translating and personal development training, as well as his own B2C project. In the latter, he combines his love of good beer and the fulfillment of his creative desire in graphics. He lives in a small village in the Ore Mountains and enjoys walking with his partner and the dog. He plays bass and sings in a thrash metal band. Among other things, he also enjoys the works of Terry Pratchett.

Fees and contact information

Událost je bezplatná - vyplňte, prosím, jenom registraci.

Barbora Halfarová
Tel.: +420 597 587 106
GSM: +420 601 168 896

Masarykovo náměstí 33
702 00, Ostrava
Česká republika